Some of our projects
Web design and development is our passion. We believe if you do it, then you should do it right and well thought out. Whether the goal is to design a brand visual identity, simplify web user experience or create an A to Z solution for a starting business – we like clean and high design, engaging and user-friendly experiences.
Bränding ja CVI loomine Eesti ainukesele allergiatele spetsialiseerunud kliinikule Allergiakeskus.
Branding and CVI for Allergiakeskus, the only clinic in Estonia specialized in allergies. We also designed and developed their website and online store. Additionally, we integrated the online store with the Erply inventory and accounting software.
Lõime USA turul tegutseva DrHouse äpile UX/UI disaini, mille maht oli ligi 100 erinevat äpi vaadet. Samuti disainisime kasutajasõbraliku kodulehe, mis on kohandatud kõikidele seadmetele (desktop, tablet, mobile).
We created an UX/UI design for the DrHouse app operating in the US market, encompassing nearly 100 different app views. Additionally, we designed a user-friendly website that is responsive across all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Kujundasime majutuspakkumiste äpile KOOHOO admin keskkonna, kust inimesed saavad kasutajasõbralikult oma majutusi platvormile (ehk äppi) lisada. Meie roll lisaks admin keskkonna UX/UI disaini loomisele oli ka maandumislehe disain.
We designed an admin platform for KOOHOO app, where people can easily add their accommodations to the platform and app. In addition to creating the admin platform UX/UI design our role was also to design the landing page.
Õppekeskkonna UX/UI disain ja arendus Toitumisnõustaja+ brändile, kus programmis osalejad saavad mugavalt läbi õppekeskkonna toitumise kohta teadmisi omandada.
Learning platform UX/UI design and development for Toitumisnõustaja+, where participants can conveniently acquire knowledge about nutrition through the learning environment.
Lõime Eesti turul tegutsevale SmartFOOD-ile atraktiivse kodulehe ja funktsionaalse kliendiportaali, kust kliendid saavad mugavalt veebis tellimusi esitada.
We created an attractive website and a functional customer portal for SmartFOOD, allowing customers to conveniently place orders online.